'The pool of Salmacis', egg tempera on gesso panel, 30 x 21 cm

'Water-relic', egg tempera on gesso panel, 30 x 21 cm

‘Coastal forest II’, egg tempera on gesso panel, 40.5 x 30.5 cm, 2022

Painting from memory and from the sketchbook of sea studies, egg tempera on paper, 24 x 32 cm

Painting from memory and from the sketchbook of sea studies, egg tempera on paper, 24 x 32 cm

'Underwater, Overwater', egg tempera, gouache and pencil on paper, 15 x 21 cm, 2022

'The pool of Salmacis (study)', egg tempera on paper, 15 x 21 cm

'The Sea Close By', egg tempera on gessoed oak offcut, 14 x 24 cm, 2021

'At the Window', egg tempera and paper collage on canvas board, 30 x 25 cm, 2021